Author Instructions

Submitting Articles to IJCIR
The International Journal of Computing and ICT Research (IJCIR) follows the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) publication guidelines. This means, therefore, that much of what follows in these author guidelines is taken from the ACM Author Instructions ( .The IJCIR is electronically produced, so it is imperative that all manuscripts be prepared in electronic formats. The instructions contained herein are meant to make the process of manuscript preparation as straightforward as possible.
Submission of manuscripts in MS Word is preferred, please see the template.

To ensure a smooth production process, don't forget to include the Signed Copyright Form when you transmit your final manuscript to IJCIR. For completeness, please make sure that your manuscript has the following components:
� MS Word source file for processing
� Printable PDF and/or PostScript file for copyediting
� Illustrations in any of the following electronics formats: eps, tif, gif, or jpeg

ACM - Computing Classification System (CCS)
An important aspect of preparing your paper for publication by IJCIR is to provide the proper indexing and retrieval information from the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS). Please prepare the categories and general terms for your paper because you are the expert on the contents of your paper. The ACM -CCS involves a four-level tree that has three coded levels and an uncoded level of subject descriptors (usually appearing at the fourth level). This tree comprises the categories and subject descriptors. It is important that there'll be ONLY one Primary level! If you are not yet familiar with this scheme, we suggest that you take a look at
This is important to us and your readers because accurate categorization provides the reader with quick content reference, facilitating the search for related literature, as well as searches for your work.

ACM In-Text Citation Style
The in-text citation style is as follows: For parenthetical citations we enclose the last name of the first author and year of publication, thus: [Burando 2007]; when there are two authors, both last names and the year of publication are included [Burando and Lee 2007]; when there are more than two authors, we cite the last name of the first author followed by an "et al." [Burando et al. 2007]; when a number of authors are cited parenthetically we list the last name and year, or two last names and year, or the last name of the first author followed by "et al." and year of publication. All parenthetical citations are enclosed in square brackets and separated by semi-colons, thus: [Burando 2007; Burando and Lee 2007; Burando et al. 2007]. When a citation is part of a sentence, the name of the author is NOT enclosed in brackets, but the year is: "So we see that Burando et al. [2007]..."

Special Note About Reference Format
Because manuscript references take a lot of time during the copyediting process, it is important that authors strictly adhere to the reference format. Below and in the template is the correct reference format for the IJCIR publication. Please note:
� First of all, all entries are presented in alphabetical order.
� Secondly, all occurrences of names of authors and/or editors should be set in Caps and Small Caps.

For journal:
ABDELBAR, A.M., AND HEDETNIEMI, S.M. 1998. Approximating MAPs for belief networks in NP-hard and other theorems. Artificial Intelligence 102, 21-38.

For book:
GINSBERG, M. 1987. Readings in Nonmonotonic Reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA.

For article in a book of collection:
GREINER, R. 1999. Explanation-based learning. In The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, R. WILSON AND F. KEIL, Eds. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 301-303.

For Conference Proceedings:
MAREK, W., AND TRUSZCZYNSKI, M. 1989. Relating autoepistemic and default logics. In Proceedings of the 1st InternationalConference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Toronto, Canada, May 1989, H. BRACHMAN AND R. REITER, Eds. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 276-288.


Call for Papers

IJCIR invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that communicates current research on computing and ICT both the theoretical and methodological aspects, as well as various applications in real world problems from science, technology, business or commerce.
Please submit a word and a PDF document to
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Instructions for Authors
Download Instructions document


Makerere University annually organises the International Conference on Computing and ICT Research in the month of August. This conference provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the state-of-the-art research and practices in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Data Comunications and Computer Networks and ICT for Sustainable Development. Read More


The International Journal of Computing and ICT Research
Makerere University

Kampala, Uganda.